Unit page, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

nomen stratum

Official Latin term nomen stratum
Official subsidiary term word layer
Unit identifier TAH:U11748
Unit type vocabulary
Materiality non physical entity
Link to the unit nomen stratum
Links of entity generic: nomen stratum
External links TA98
Taxonomic links Level 2: nomen rei anatomicae Short Extended
Level 3: nomen rei unspecificati
Subsidiary language with Latin English French Spanish Russian
Non Latin primary language English French Spanish Russian
Vocabulary for 11748
nomen stratum
By noun
7511/NFMB mset
res morphologiae externae diencephali
7512/NFMB mset
res morphologiae internae diencephali
8227/NFMB mset
res morphologiae internae cerebelli
8266/NFMB mset
res morphologiae externae cerebelli
8407/NFMB mset
res morphologiae externae rhombencephali rostralis
8558/NFMB mset
res morphologiae internae mesencephali
8559/NFMB mset
res morphologiae externae mesencephali
8612/NFMB set
res morphologiae internae hypothalami
8613/NFMB set
res morphologiae externae hypothalami
9006/NFMB mset
res morphologiae internae rhombencephali rostralis
10123/NFMB tax
res anatomica
10124/NFMB tax
res physica
10125/NFMB tax
res nonphysica
10126/NFMB tax
res corporea
10127/NFMB tax
res incorporea
10132/NFMB tax
res corporea aggregata
10281/NFMB tax
par rei corporeae
10526/NFMB single
par rei incorporeae
11439/NFMB tax
nomen rei anatomicae
11492/NFMB tax
nomen rei incorporeae (nomen rei incorporeae )
11777/NFMB mset
res morphologiae externae rhombencephali caudalis
11797/NFMB mset
res morphologiae internae rhombencephali caudalis
12009/NFMB tax
nomen rei corporeae
12095/NFMB mset
res morphologiae externae telencephali
12096/NFMB mset
res morphologiae internae telencephali
12100/NFMB tax
res morphologiae internae
13437/NFMB voc
nomen rei odontostomatologia
13593/NFMB tax
res odontostomatologia
20244/NFMB tax
res incorporea aggregata
20245/NFMB tax
classis rei incorporeae
Vocabulary by string
res generica
res histologica
Number of occurrences
32 items
Date: 24.06.2022